Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July 3rd results

Woo hoo!  Much better day today - well sort of.  Garrett woke up super early after not falling asleep last night until really late.  Luckily I convinced him to go back to "Mommy Daddy bed," the catch being that Ainsley and I had to go too.  So all 4 of us slept from 6 am until about 9 am.  Then the kids and I headed to Costco to do some shopping with Grandma Woz before the coupons expired at the end of the week.  As far as the resolutions go, I did okay.

  1. I cooked!  I made Beef & Spinach Pie.  I'll update this post later and include the recipe and photo.  It was relatively easy and super yummy.  Even Garrett ate some of it!  Tomorrow I get the night off from cooking since we're headed to the in-laws to BBQ for the holiday.
  2. After dinner tonight Garrett and I went down and played with his cars, trains, and Pipeworks which we are borrowing since they were my best friend's when she was little.  I tried to do a really good job of not looking at my phone during that time.  Then it was bath time - again, Ainsley free time with Mommy.
  3. I'm counting pushing the cart at Costco as exercise.  
  4. It's getting easier to not have yelling as my first reaction when Garrett does something wrong.  It's only my first response if he's going to potentially hurt Ainsley or Colby.
  5. Not so much on the cleaning front.  I did do a couple loads of laundry, so maybe I'll count that.
  6. No stress today!
  7. Planning to see friends tomorrow during the Clawson 4th of July parade!  Yeah!
Happy 4th of July!  

July 2nd results - mostly a big F

F F F F F - and no I'm not reverting back to being a high school cheerleader.  I am giving myself a big fat  F for Tuesday.  I went in to work and it was a crazy day!  We were in last minute preps for our summer sale which started today.  And then I didn't leave myself enough time to go grocery shopping before I would have to cook dinner.  Here's a look at my 7 resolutions:

  1. Major fail on the dinner front.  We had Burger King.  But at least we ate.  :)
  2. My special thing with Garrett was taking him to the grocery store when I went after our crappy dinner.  I bought what I needed in order to make meals the rest of the week.  Woo!
  3. Didn't do anything from the ab workout...Can I count pushing the car-cart around the grocery store as exercise?
  4. Did better at not yelling at Garrett.  Small points.
  5. FAIL
  6. Somewhat okay on the stress front.
  7. A get-together is on the books!  The people involved are a little up in the air, but next Wednesday I am seeing friends from high school.  It's just a question of which friends and where.

Let's see if I can do better tomorrow.

July 1st results

Started the mid-year out with a bang:

  1. Cooked based (at least partially) from a recipe.  Since I hadn't been grocery shopping in a while, I had to rely on what I had in the house.  Made pasta and then baked it with shredded mozzarella and sauce.  Not fancy, but at least I did have to put forth some effort.
  2. Garrett and I did a craft today.  I did take some pictures which I'll add later.  I had purchased a couple of craft kits from Target.  The one he picked you decorate glittery puff balls with sticky foam pieces.  We made a super hero and a princess.
  3. For exercise I decided to do a couple of the 30 day challenges that have been floating around on Facebook.  I started with the  30 Day Ab Challenge and think that at day 16, might also start another one.  I did it successfully - and it was quick and relatively painless.  Did prove that my abs are severely lacking.
  4. I tried with this one.  Really I did.  This one might be the hardest resolution.
  5. I cleaned our half bath.  While it is the smallest room in the condo - at least I actually did clean something!
  6. I did do a fairly good job when something didn't go the way I expected at work today of calming down and breathing.  Go me.  
  7. Laid the groundwork for getting together with some friends.  One of whom I haven't seen since Garrett's first Christmas! 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Mid-Year Resolutions

So I decided to make some mid-year resolutions in an effort to get things back on track in my life.  And in an effort to be accountable, I'm going to try to blog every day about my efforts.  Luckily I only have two people that follow this blog, so there won't be a ton of people becoming annoyed with all the postings.  Sorry husband and Mary!  And since I fell asleep early last night and didn't have the chance to put this post together yesterday, there are going to be a couple today!

First for the actual resolutions (and the reasons behind them):

  • Cook from recipes
    • We are in an eating rut.  I rely too much on prepacked meals.  Not that I'm dissing Stouffer's (Lord  knows we'll still eat our share of frozen lasagnas) and Gorton's fish fillets, but I really should cook actual food too.
  • Do one thing each day special with G
    • He's frustrated that the baby takes so much time in our lives.  I get it.  So I'm going to take time each day to do something with just him.
  • EXERCISE each day
    • Second baby weight doesn't come off as easily as the first did!  Guess I'll have to work at it this time around.
  • Hug more, yell less
    • Garrett tests our patience.  If he's not annoying the dog, he's trying to pick up Ainsley.  My first response is usually to yell at him.  Gonna try to hug and explain rather than yell and get mad.
  • Clean one room per day
    • Since it's nearly impossible to spend a whole day cleaning between my work schedule and having both kids, I figure if I clean one room per day, at least the condo should stay somewhat clean at all times.
  • Don't stress so much
    • When I stress, I turn into a real psycho.  Need to breathe and stay calm when things don't always go perfect.
  • Connect more with friends  
    • So many friends have kids around Garrett's and Ainsley's other friends without kids - it would be nice to have a social life. 

So there you have it...let's see how this goes.