Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July 2nd results - mostly a big F

F F F F F - and no I'm not reverting back to being a high school cheerleader.  I am giving myself a big fat  F for Tuesday.  I went in to work and it was a crazy day!  We were in last minute preps for our summer sale which started today.  And then I didn't leave myself enough time to go grocery shopping before I would have to cook dinner.  Here's a look at my 7 resolutions:

  1. Major fail on the dinner front.  We had Burger King.  But at least we ate.  :)
  2. My special thing with Garrett was taking him to the grocery store when I went after our crappy dinner.  I bought what I needed in order to make meals the rest of the week.  Woo!
  3. Didn't do anything from the ab workout...Can I count pushing the car-cart around the grocery store as exercise?
  4. Did better at not yelling at Garrett.  Small points.
  5. FAIL
  6. Somewhat okay on the stress front.
  7. A get-together is on the books!  The people involved are a little up in the air, but next Wednesday I am seeing friends from high school.  It's just a question of which friends and where.

Let's see if I can do better tomorrow.

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